Quick links: Admissions | Personal information | Registration and withdrawal | Degree, program and plan changes | Letters and transcript requests | Petitions | Awards and scholarships (current students) | Awards and scholarships, Entrance Awards (new students) |Financial aid | Final examinations| Graduation, convocation and diplomas
Before you get started
The Undergraduate Studies forms catalogue is maintained by the Office of the Registrar. If you have any technical questions about the forms below, contact the Communications team. If you are a graduate student, visit forms for graduate students.
- Details on how to submit and pay any associated fees are included on the form's web page.
- Some forms are online web forms while others are fill-in PDF forms. The fill-in feature of a PDF form displays in Google Chrome. If using Firefox, open the form in Adobe Reader to access the fill-in feature. You can download Adobe Acrobat Reader free.

Admission Deferral Request Form
Fall Term Application for Undergraduate Readmission (available in early April)
Winter Term Application for Undergraduate Readmission (available in early August)
Spring Term Application for Undergraduate Readmission (available in early December)

Personal information

Registration and withdrawal

Degree, program, and plan changes

Letter and transcripts requests

Awards and scholarships (current students)
Fall Term Undergraduate Award Application
Winter Term Undergraduate Award Application
Spring Term Undergraduate Award Application
C.U.P.E. Local 793 Award Application
International Experience Award Application
Linda Carson Memorial Interdisciplinary Award Application
President's International Experience Award Application

Awards and Scholarships Entrance awards (new students)
Application for Entrance Awards Designated to Black Students
Application for Entrance Awards Designated to Indigenous Students
Application for Entrance Scholarships Designated to Faculty of Health Students
Deer Ridge Entrance Award Application
Hong Kong Alumni Association Entrance Award Application
Joyce Scholars Award Application
Serbian Education Fund Entrance Award Application
University of Waterloo - China Hong Kong Entrance Scholarship Application

Financial aid and bursary applications

Graduation, convocation, and diplomas
Application to Graduate:
Application to Graduate for June 2025
Application to Graduate for October 2025
Original Diploma Never Received (for graduands who had their diploma shipped to their Mail address)